Výzva k vytvoření speciální Fondu EU pro obnovu přírody
BRUSEL [BirdLife International]
Across Europe, we are witnessing an increase in droughts, floods, and wildfires, along with the decline of pollinators, soil erosion, and water eutrophication. These issues threaten livelihoods, food security, and place a significant burden on national disaster relief budgets.
But there is a solution: nature itself. Every €1 invested in nature restoration can generate benefits from €8 to €38. Despite this, nature conservation and restoration in the EU are critically underfunded.
BirdLife Europe, together with Bankwatch, the European Environmental Bureau, EuroNatur, and WWF EPO, call for a dedicated EU Nature Restoration Fund.
Download the complete text of the Call: https://www.birdlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Call-for-a-dedicated-EU-Nature-Restoration-Fund-_July-2024.pdf