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 tiskové zprávy



Press Release on Actions Planned in Reaction to the Beginning of a War in Iraq

PRAHA [Initiative Against War], tel: 606 392 067

For several months we have been protesting against what we perceive as an illegitimate and unjust military attack against Iraq, just like millions of people around the world. Despite enormous public dissent, war is likely to break out within a matter of days, if not hours. We have decided that, during the night when the war begins, we will undertake several protest actions, which we will not specify publicly as of yet. However, we have already called for a gathering against war on the day of the attack on Wenceslas Square at 6:00 p.m.

We still hope that this war, which will solve none of the crisis problems and will instead greatly endanger world security, can be averted. If, however, it does come to pass we are prepared to tirelessly protest against it and attempt to halt the conflict.

For information about Initiative Against War contact, Johana Ruzickova at 606392067 or visit www.koss.info.
For information about sister organization International Peace Movement of the Czech Republic, contact Zdenka Ulmannova at 603556346 or visit www.osud.cz/peacemovement.


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