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 tiskové zprávy



Evropa musí zůstat silná, když Trump podkopává klima a mír

BRUSEL [European Greens]

As Donald Trump is inaugurated as US president, the European Union must stand on its own two feet, to fight both climate collapse and the rise of autocrats, the European Greens said.

Trump has already announced his intention to roll back climate and social policies, and rules on social media. This is unsurprising after research showed that oligarchs from Big Oil and big technology companies have consistently funded Trump's campaign.

Ciarán Cuffe, co-chair of the European Green Party: "The evidence of the climate crisis is all around us, from the recent floods in Valencia to the fires in Los Angeles. Over the last five years, the European Union, with strong support from the Greens, has started to turn the Green Deal from vision into action. Trump would take us backwards. Now is the time to be guided by science, to step up ambitious climate action, and to resist Trump's attempts to dismantle global climate agreements."

“In recent years, the EU has tried to curb corporate excesses with legislation on digital services. Though these haven’t gone as far as they could have, it was already too much for Elon Musk who takes issue with any limitations on his exploitative business model which puts profit before people, democracy, and the planet.”

“We are proud of our Europe – a Europe that protects its people and gives the people a voice in political decisions – not the billionaires, as in Trump's USA. In this time of change, we must continue to show solidarity with the vulnerable, support those threatened by conflict, and uphold European values of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law."

Vula Tsetsi, co-chair of the European Green Party said: "Through his European allies Viktor Orbán, Giorgia Meloni and other far-right politicians, Trump is threatening democracy in the European Union and its values of respect and unity. He does not believe in multilateralism and cooperation. Trump’s statements on Greenland, Panama and Canada, are colonial, violent, dangerous and driven by economic interests.”

“Only a strong European voice can counterbalance these very serious developments. Now is the time for European leaders to stand together and defend European values, multilateralism and democracy. The European Greens are ready to forge alliances with progressive forces in order to counterbalance Trump's dangerous, anti-climate, anti-democracy, far-right agenda. We will push for increased European support for Ukraine against Russian aggression, for stronger diplomatic efforts for a permanent ceasefire in the Middle East, and for the future of Greenland to be decided by its people.”


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