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 tiskové zprávy



Škola lidských práv ve Varšavie

Varšava [Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights]
Autor: Adam Pyrek

The School is intended for human rights activists, teachers and young lawyers from Central, Eastern European and CIS countries. Seventy persons will attend.

Our program combines lectures and discussions on the historical and philosophical background of human rights, domestic systems of protection of human rights, international systems of protection of human rights, and aspects of some selected rights: rights of minorities, rights of refugees etc. (See: attached program).

English, Russian and Polish are the languages of our Summer School. Ability to communicate well in one of the above languages is required.

Directly following the Summer School a seminar on free elections will take place on 15 – 16 September. Thirty Summer School participants will be admitted to this seminar from among those who declare interest. The seminar will deal with such issues as election systems and voting techniques, and above all, methods of election observation applied by non-governmental institutions. The seminar will be taught by specialists from the Inter-American Institute for Human Rights in Costa Rica. A detailed program will be sent to Summer School participants in July. Seminar languages: Russian and Spanish.

For further information, please see www.hfhrpol.waw.pl /English version of the site/


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