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Nové poklady EU stále ještě nejsou v bezpečí

Autor: Louis Bélanger, tel: +327 735 622 60

In the race to protect Europe’s remaining natural wealth, the new EU member states have made substantial progress, but much remains to be done. This is the main message coming out of a report released today by WWF and six partner organizations evaluating preparations in the ten new member states as well as Romania and Bulgaria for implementation of Natura 2000, the EU’s nature conservation network.

"In contrast to older EU member states, where preparations for Natura 2000 have suffered serious delays stretching into years, the EU’s newcomers are generally on track," said Andreas Beckmann, EU Accession Coordinator for WWF.

Most countries have already submitted their lists of proposed sites for the network, and what they have proposed is generally much more comprehensive than what was initially tabled by the older member states.

Slovakia, for example, has proposed designating 28.9% of its territory under Natura 2000. Eighteen per cent of EU territory is currently protected under Natura 2000 according to the report, and a greater percentage is expected for most of the EU’s newcomers, which include the bulk of Europe’s remaining natural wealth.

"However, despite some clear progress, more needs to be done to ensure that the new EU member states do not experience the same steep losses in biodiversity already suffered by older member states, the 'EU-15'", Beckmann added.

In terms of site designation, all countries still need to make significant additions to their lists of proposed sites. One of the greatest problems is expected in Cyprus, where according to latest reports the proposed list of sites currently covers some 4.3% of the country’s territory — far less than the 26% originally identified for the network. The Polish proposal, which covers 9% of the country’s territory, misses a number of important species and habitats, including many of the country’s most valuable rivers.

According to WWF and its partners, potential Natura 2000 sites are threatened in all new and future EU member states. Threats range from development of infrastructure for mass tourism in Slovenia to planned extension of the EU network of motorways through the Biebrza National Park in Poland and the Kresna Gorge in Bulgaria. Plans to improve shipping on the Danube by — one of the 30 priority projects for the Trans-European Networks for Transportation — could prove devastating for natural values of up to 1,000 km of the river.

Preparations for financing the Natura 2000 network are also lagging, with poor estimates of the costs and inadequate provisions for implementing the network. Future financing for the Natura 2000 network also depends on the outcome of ongoing discussions on the next EU budgetary period. A much-delayed Communication on Financing for Natura 2000 expected from the European Commission is still being awaited.

"Implementing the Natura 2000 conservation network will enable the EU’s newcomers to protect and profit from their natural treasures for years onward. Let’s not forget that when it comes to natural wealth, the new EU member states are extremely rich," said Andreas Beckmann.


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