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 tiskové zprávy



Vedení jaderné elektrárny Paks odmítá informovat veřejnost o bezpečnosti nového spuštění

BUDAPEST [Greenpeace International]

Today, Greenpeace received the answer from the management of the
Paks Nuclear Power Plant on its request for information on the safety
of the restart of Paks 2. Paks management refuses to give
Greenpeace and the public access to the studies on which it bases its
claim that restart of Paks 2 is not more risky than ordinary operation,
as demanded by Greenpeace. Paks claims that these studies are
falling under commercial confidentiality.

"When Paks is not willing to share this vital information with the public,
it gives a clear impression that it hides something," commented Jan
Haverkamp, consultant on nuclear issues for Greenpeace,
"Confidentiality is a question of attitude - we don't need to know prices,
we need to know the safety data and conclusions." He added that
Greenpeace is worried that contamination from last year's accident at
Paks 2 might lead to instable functioning of the plant after start-up.
This would increase the chance on a larger accident in the plant.

In contrast, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA) gave
another NGO, Energia Klub, a full explanation of the process and the
requirements that the HAEA was putting on Paks for the restart.
Analysis of this explanation leads to the conclusion that over the last
week the approach to the problem has become more careful and that a
possible danger is acknowledged.

Greenpeace nevertheless remains sceptical about the reasons for
taking this additional risk. The only reason seems to be the fact that
the Paks 2 plant is loosing income when not on-line. Jan Haverkamp:
"Nuclear safety is a very tricky issue. Not something to be determined
by money but in the first place by concerns for the public and the
environment. The secrecy from the side of the Paks management
shows that there is not enough trust on their side in the process as
well. In case of doubt, don't do it - that is the adagio on which a proper
safaty culture should be based."

Asked whether loss of income of EUR 200.000 per day is not a good
reason to restart Paks 2, he remarks: "Nuclear power is expensive,
because risks have to be reduced. These are the costs that come with
nuclear power. The risk on a large accident is very small - but the
consequences can be so grave, as showed by Chernobyl, that we
should avoid any extra risk."

More information:

Jan Haverkamp (consultant on nuclear issues): mobile +420.603 569
243, e-mail: jan.haverkamp@greenpeace.hu

Roland Csaki (campaigner): mobile +36 209 532 225, e-mail:


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