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 tiskové zprávy



Cultural management for Independent art and cultural centers, projects and networks

BECHYNĚ [Klášter o.s.]
Autor: Jakub Deml

Cultural management for Independent art and cultural centers, projects and networks

Interactive art management - create your own successful cultural project. 3 day workshop/laboratory for artists, activists, cultural managers …with Prof. Giep Hagoort - researcher and chairman of Centre for Art & Economy of the Utrecht School of the Arts, The Netherlands, 30.9. - 2.10. 2005, Monastery Bechyně, part of „On-time“ festival.

In the 21st century, there is an enormous need worldwide for a basic knowledge of management in the cultural sector. This knowledge fills the existing gap between general management theory and cultural praxis. It helps students, teachers, artists and practical art managers in translating management theory into successful cultural organizations. Intercultural network competences will be the key to the survival of artistic workers and art managers in a cultural Global Village that will be dominated by the digital revolution and artainment in a diversified context. {excerpts from Art Management Entrepreneurial Style]

Context of the workshop

The recent development for cultural and artistic bodies in the “new” socio-economic climate, the meaning of membership in the EU and other factors are increasingly essential to be dealt with when successfully managing cultural projects. It is pertinent to be well equipped with knowledge and the appropriate tools, as well as being well connected with like-minded cultural organization.

Prof. Giep Hagoort will introduce “interactive art management” as an increasingly important and necessary method, approach and tool, and suggest ways for its successful implementation. Among the core issues that will be reflected upon are cultural leadership, teamwork, strategy development etc., as well as the differences in the implementation of models for cultural management in the West as opposed to Central and Eastern Europe. He will examine the role of cultural entrepreneurs, that hold the key to the future in culture, and the need for Intercultural Network Organizations, that are essential to meet the challenges for the cultural, non-profit sector.

Workshop goals

To enable and stimulate the exchange of experiences between people who are active in the cultural sphere from the non-governmental sector, and who work with international co-productions, and/or in interdisciplinary projects.

To explore the practical implementation of the interactive art management with focus on practical projects and issues.

To discuss and explore the different models for implementing cultural management in the ‘West” versus Central and Eastern Europe. To reflect on specific situation in Central and Eastern Europe (such as the changes in society as in cultural policy after the entrance into the EU). To compare functional models and experiences from the West with Central and Eastern European perspectives.

To discuss perceptible chances, future challenges and visions for the cultural, non-profit sector. In this context, we will examine the notion of an european cultural “creative landscape”.

The content, course and outcome of the workshop

This workshop aims at focusing on practical experiences and visions of the participants’, in creative confrontation with Prof. Giep Hagoort from Utrecht School van den Kunsten, The Netherlands, a renown specialist in this field.

The participants are encouraged to co-create the specific learning process within this interactive workshop. Therefore, participants are expected to send a description of their project, either as concept or in development and/or to articulate their specific interests, needs and „hot“ topics prior to the workshop.

Up to 6 projects will be chosen as case studies and will be presented, examined, analyzed and discussed. In this way, real situations are being worked on, reflecting the specific needs of the participants. Through this framework, different experiences will be shared and compared, questions raised and possible answers developed.

Through the presentation of the participants' projects, feedback is being provided not only from a renown specialist as well as from the other participants. This “group brainstorming” creates an unique occasion for self- reflection and re-evaluation of the participant’s approaches, attitudes, weak and strong points, allowing for fresh views and the development of realistic strategies for the management of a successful project.

Prof. Giep Hagoort will lecture and animate this workshop/laboratory and will bring qualified expertise of „Interactive art management” and “cultural entrepreneurship” as a theoretical framework for cultural (art) management strategies, international collaboration and exploration of practical possibilities of “survival” and sustainable development of (“independent”) cultural organizations and projects. Analysis of their driving forces, their needs and conditions under which they survive, their strategies, successes and failures will be an important part of the discussions.

Preliminary topics and issues for discussion:
New emerging cultural bodies (projects, networks, …)
Organizations in transitions (the problematic of a life cycle of organizations, “sometimes facing new life phase is difficult on a personal level …”)
Organizations & projects that exploring new territories and parametres (art and education, social and cultural centers and projects outside/parallel of formal structures)
Team work versus "one man" visions – the collaboration of artist, manager, community..
Sustainable development. (Why has there not been a successful attempt to manage and sustain a cultural center in Czech Republic up to now?)
Do students of art and cultural management studies acquire sufficient knowledge for the work market? If not, what is missing, and how can this be addressed?
Weak and strong points of a organization (project)
Long term strategy planning versus grant-to-grant survival
Who decides the rules: artistic leaders, grant commissions, the community..
note: Participants are highly encouraged to suggest topics and directions of discussion!!


Prof. Giep Hagoort has previously lectured two workshops in Prague, coordinated by our partner-association Mamapapa. In the last one „Project thinking“, held in autumn of 2004, Prof. Hagoort provided insight into the practical applications of interactive art management strategies and reflected on specific situation in Central Europe. The strategies of four organizations or projects were then discussed and examined: MAPA – Moving Academy for Performing Art, Mamapapa's Dancing Villages project, Center Klášter's vision for an art/educational center, and Skutr' theatre touring program.

About the lecturer

Prof. Giep Hagoort studied Law at the Utrecht University and received a Ph.D in Economics from The Netherlands Business School of the Nyenrode University. As director and lecturer of the Centre for Art & Economy of the Utrecht School of the Arts, he manages international training projects. His books and papers discuss cultural entrepreneurship, cultural strategic management, cultural projects and cultural policies. In 1988, he initiated the Master Program of Art and Media Management (MA AMMEC in a European Context) at the Utrecht School of the Arts. [www...]
He is the author of Art Management Entrepreneurial Style. In this book, he outlines the basic knowledge for management in the cultural sector.

Previous participant’s reflection

“What counts for me, as the promoter of the MAPA training program is the fact that in the young central - and east- European landscape of performing “art-entrepreneurs” such a growing awareness of private responsibility can be seen.
“Interactive art management” is the only chance to stay firm and strong in the complicated process of making and financing performing arts projects, no matter if you participate as an artist, a manager or a team of managing artists.
Our profession forces the team decision-making more and more towards not loosing the
connection with the sometimes turbulent "eurostrategies" or even deciding to stay far away from it. Participating in this qualified workshop gives participants the opportunity to share
experiences, not being obstructed by makebelieve-profit-strategies.”

by Ide van Heiningen- performing artist, founder of Moving Academy for Performing Arts (MAPA) Amsterdam, participant of a „interactive art management“ workshop lectured by prof. Giep Hagoort in 2004 in Prague.


number of participants: up to 20; individuals or two person teams
cultural organizers and managers, art producers, cultural activists, art management students, artists and students working in various artistic genres and fields.

*more info + contact

*Participants are highly encouraged to suggest topics and directions of discussion!!*

Please send the applications to jakubdeml@klaster-bechyne.org
Please attach a* short CV and motivation letter*, as well as any informations or
description of your own work that you would like us to take into consideration.


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