City, Country
Number & type of Reactors
3 X VVER 1000
Net Electric Power as % in 92 of national total
2000Mwe (Lack of cool-
ing water for 300Mwe)
Major population Centers in a 150 km radius and
total estimated population of 150 km r. region
Unknown - most likely Odessa, Krivoj Rog, and parts of Moldova e.g., capital city Kisinev
Date of commercial operation start up
or (if unfinished) date of construction start.
Construction began 1974-On line 1982, 1985, 1990
Operator: PO YuuAES Builder:Minatomenergoprom
The design of the VVER1000 lacks proper safety systems for nuclear accidents. The reactor blocks are mounted on the join of two tectonic plates, and are siesmically active. The plants emit vast quantities of heat, water vapor, and radio nuclides (mainly tritium) which causes an excess of local radioactivity and climate change. The plant uses more than 10% of the flow of the River Bug, when 5% is considered dangerous. Economically, this power plant is causing a great burden for the region - the local region consumes less than 10% of the plant's output, while the water deficit in the South Nikolaev region is increased. Finally, the plant will leave radioactivity for thousands of years.