1996 | |||||
January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December |
18.-22., Minsk European Commission & Belarus, Russian and Ukrainian Ministries on Chernobyl Affairs, Emergency situations and Health: Conference "...on the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident"
28, Kazan, Russia - The organizers of this event are the Antinuclear society of Tartarstan. You can find more info by contacting: A F Garapov, Russian Tatarstan, 420034 Kazan p/b 90, Ul Chernshevski 18/23, RUSSIA.
25.-29., Minsk Children of Chernobyl: Congress "The world after Chernobyl"
8.-12., Vienna International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Conference "One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Radiological Consequences of the accident"
12.-15., Vienna International Medical Commission - Chernobyl: Conference / Tribunal "Tribunal on the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster"
19.-21., Berlin IPPNW & Otto Hug Radiation Institute: "10 years Chernobyl - is organized by IPPNW and Otto Hug radiation institute and is going to deal with the health effects of Chernobyl. For info: IPPNW, K|rterstr. 10, 10967 Berlin. Fax: ++49-30-6938166.
20.-22., Kiev Heinrich Boell Foundation: Conference "Lessons of Chernobyl"
24.-26., Kiev Goethe-Institut & Shevchenko University Kiev: Conference "Literary apocalypse and reality"
26.-28., Bonn BUND & IPPNW & Naturwissenschaftlerinitiative (NAWI): Conference "The beginning of the end of nuclear energy"- deals with the consequences of the disaster, the risks of the nuclear industry, and ecological alternatives. For further information, contact: Naturwissenschaftler-Initiative, Ruhrallee 39, 441 39 Dortmund. E-mail: uphc01@uxp1.HRZ.Uni-Dortmund.DE.
"End of April", Moscow G7: Summit "...on the problems of nuclear safety"
"End of April", Moscow Socio-ecological Union (?) & Greenpeace Moscow (?) and others: Conference "Counter-Summit" to the G7 Summit
26-27, Stockholm - A conference to commemorate the tenth anniversery of the Chernobyl accident will be held in Stockholm. The conference will focus on sustainable non-nuclear energy. Among the spekers are Rosali Bertell and Frank Barnaby.
June 24-26, 1996, Krasnoyarsk/Siberia, "Spent nuclear fuel: problems and reality" 3th international radioecological conference. Organizers: Vladimir Mikheev, Lenina 41, k.5, 660049 Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Tel. 7-3912-278752, 216649 (daily), 7-39175-91581 (evenings), Fax: 7-3912-275419; E-mail: kras@glas.apc.org or nag@nature.krasnoyarsk.su