Many countries are planning
actions for the 10th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (April 26, 1996). Find a group in your region, find out what they are doing, and volunteer to help. If you can't find an active group, look to the international contacts working in your area. See if there are friends of yours who will work with you.
While there are strong emotional and ethical arguments against nuclear power, the press and decision makers rarely respect these. This home page is just a beginning; find out about your country's national policy and specific plants which interest you, and order other international materials.
Contact your local media and elected officials; tell them what you think on these issues and how they can help end nuclear power in the region. Here are some sample letters on hot issues we are currently working on.
Give Info
If you know about conferences or actions not listed here for the anniversary please tell us. If you are working on nuclear issues and have something you wish to contribute to the campaign (for display on this website or general purposes) lets work together.
We are looking for anti-nuclear images and campaign graphics. If you have them and want to share them with us so we can put them up on this website, select here for details.
Of course one easy thing and helpful thing to do is to financially help either the whole campaign or individual groups fighting nuclear power.