City, Country
Akkuyu village of silifke,
Number & type of Reactors
(under construction)
Net Electric Power as % in 92 of national total
1000 MW
Major population Centers in a 150 km radius and
total estimated population of 150 km r. region
Mersin, Karaman, and their towns
Date of commercial operation start up
or (if unfinished) date of construction start.
If construction starts in 1996, as planned, operation will begin in 2004
Contracter to be chosen by KAERI, S. Korea. Contract to be awarded in Spring 1996, main candidate Ontario-Hydro
Akkuyu village was first chosen as a nuclear plant site in 1976. The government tried to commence building work in 1992, but had to postpone due to action by 52 green groups. Of 18 consultant groups, Korea's KAERI was awarded the construction and feasibility study. A.K. Chatterjee of India's Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been appointed nuclear advisor to the Turkish Prime Minister, and has acted as an advocate for the CANDU reactor type, though the RAPS-1 plant in Rajasthan shut down 250 times from 1973 to 1983.
There has been "fury" against Turkish power company, Ilhas Electric, KAERI's turkish partner. Green groups claim that the Ministry of Energy, dominated by ultra-nationalists and the military, want access to nuclear weapons.